
Commercial Products Vs Herbal Products-Arbi Creations

Actually we know most of the things but we do not implement it. Most of us have the habit of Procrastination because of what we postpone our works. When by hook or crook we have to do that work then at that time we realized that if we had did  it before, sometimes we even regret for it. In the same way, using Herbal Products is also a habit of Procrastination for most of the people as when people are asked to use Herbal Products they just ignore it or they just answer us that they will try it later. By the way, Do you have the habit of Procrastination?

As the commercial Beauty Products contains chemicals, after they are not benefitted by these Products which they were using, then they realized that ” I wish I would have use Herbal Products before”. This is what most of the people say.

It is true that the commercial Beauty Products are fast result oriented than Herbal Products but we have to think that in those Beauty Products chemicals are being used which leads to fast result oriented. But did you ever thought that if we use those Beauty Products continuously in regular basis then what will happen? Whatever we applied in our skin, through skin pores it enters in our body as the commercial beauty products contains chemicals, due to which most of the people are suffering from different kinds of diseases in their early age. There is  a saying, What we can eat we can Apply. I hope you understood what I mean. So, Let’s use Herbal Products and Be Healthy.

If you want to know more about Benefits of Herbal Products you can click here.

 Arbi Creations is one of the manufacture of Herbal Products which has introduced Arbi Herbal Face Soap, Acne Soap for Normal Skin, Oily Skin and Dry skin as well. Not only this, Arbi Creations has also introduced Arbi Herbal Body Soap, Arbi Herbal Baby Soap, Arbi Herbal Charcoal soap, Arbi Herbal Potato soap, Arbi Herbal Tomato soap, Arbi Herbal  Liquorice soap, Arbi Herbal Hand Soap, Arbi Herbal Neem Soap, Arbi Herbal Aloevera Soap and Paper Soap which is totally handmade and organic.

The best part of this soap is the ingredients. All the ingredients used in this soap is natural and easily available in our home like Camphor, Glycerin, Basil, Turmeric, Rice Flour, Coffee, Cinnamon, Rosewater, Coconut Oil and many other ingredients which nourish our skin and helps us to look younger by reducing Black spots, Black heads, Pigmentation, Acne, Early signs of aging, etc. and gives natural glow to our skin.

Let’s check what users say about these soaps who have been using these soaps quite a while:

One of the Managers, Mr.Mahesh Shakya has posted in his Facebook Status “My genuine recommendations to all. I have personally tried the soap and it makes my skin glorious and healthy with soft feelings. Thank you Arbi Creations for your wonderful product.”


In the same way, Monitoring and Evaluation Manager; Ms. Nabina Bajracharya has commented on Facebook “I have been using this soap for quite a while. I was tired of using different brand face wash as they advertise but not of them work. Then I gave a try to Arbi Herbal Soap, I asked for the face soap for the oily and pimple face. I use the soap as they recommended for the oily and pimple face. Well, I can feel the difference in my face; oil and pimples are reduced with a soft feeling. Therefore, I would like to recommend to the one who are suffering from the skin problem as of mine to give a try to this. You will not regret.”


Another Entrepreneur Ms. Salina Shakya has also mentioned in the website “I LOVE Arbi Herbal Soap and its been a couple of years using the soap. With sensitive skin, I never know what I can use, but I know I can count on Arbi Herbal Saops to be gentle and not irritate my skin. I recommend this company every chance I get!!!”


Similarly, a Business Owner Ms. Sanu Maharjan has also mentioned in the website “At first I have discovered your soap online. When I used it, I especially like the fact that it seems to be very gentle on my skin and doesn’t seem to dry as other soap. I love the aroma which is of ingredients that you have used in the soap and the fact that it makes my skin delightful and just awesome. You should be proud of offering such great soap.”


In the same way there are many other customers who use Arbi Creations’ Products and left beautiful comments on our Facebook page ( www. and other social media like Instagram, Tiktok, etc. which motivate us to manufacture new product and give our best. From this platform, Arbi Creations would like to thank all our customers and  the well wishers for commenting and suggesting us to uplift the products of Arbi Creations.

It doesn’t mean that if you use it once and your skin problems are gone but BELIEVE ARBI CREATIONS, if you use it continuously, it gradually reduces your skin problems and helps to improve the overall appearance of skin and promotes good skin health.

Arbi Herbal Soap is the outcome of all the hard works and experiments. It has already solved the skin problems of so many people, so hurry up, What is holding you back? Now it’s your turn to solve your skin problems by using Arbi Herbal Soap manufacture by Arbi Creations.

So, at least use Arbi Herbal Soap once with confidence and feel the difference.

Let’s promote our own product.



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